Brad Bernstein

 Playing with fire has always been a fascination of Brad’s, it all started with setting a gas can on fire in his parent’s garage. Lampworking is a challenge Brad has confronted and for the most part he has taught himself to craft unique and natural looking pieces by trial and error , usually using loud four letter words to express his frustration. Finding an opportunity to spend time in front of the torch is hard for him, he has a careerin finance, all the time wishing he was in his studio. Crafting natural looking glass beads takes skill and experience. Blending mixtures and layers of glass together to produce the colors and 3 dimensional effects he brings out of the material takes patience. Brad has found something special in his craft. 


Todd Shipman

It started with tagging along with Brad as he figured out how to master Lampworking. Todd watched and listened until he found himself hammering pieces of metal that would enhance the Lampworking. With a passion for natural elements, he found himself recreating seed pods and dried leaves that would wrap themselves around the elegant glass beads his partner creates. The contrast between the hammered metal and the glass is what he wants the public to appreciate. The learning curve is long, so watch as he experiments with new materials